To me the pillar that is most important would be Safety. Safety for the reason that safety is and has always been the main mission of the FAA. By them increasing what is already the safest air system in the world puts the U.S. even further ahead of the rest of the world. If safety is not the main goal of NextGen, then it would be frivolous to implement it. Safety should always be the top priority for every aviation company if it loses sight of that then it certainly will not succeed in the U.S.
The second pillar is the economic impact, which could arguably be the first pillar. The aviation industry globally impacts the economic outlook for all countries. The better the air traffic system, the better results for the economy. According to the FAA civil aviation contributed $1.3 trillion annually to the economy, and accounted for 5.2% of the GDP for the U.S. in 2009. NextGen is going to cut down on delays and create more efficient routes to take. This will lead to a higher profit margin for any aviation company, as well as contribute more to the economy.
The next pillar of NextGen is flexibility. It is always important that when something is created it is susceptible to change There are almost always unexpected consequences of something new that simply cannot be predicted without real-world testing. NextGen needs to be flexible to adjust for any procedures or operations that end up being hazardous to the system. In addition to that, today the world changes really fast and especially technology. Although NextGen is much more advanced than anything put in place for the NAS thus far, it is highly likely that an even more advanced technology that is more efficient will come into play in the future.
The final pillar, which is important but out of the others is the least important is sustainability. The aviation environment in the U.S. has grown to great lengths over the years and is in a pretty good place today. It currently has the safest airspace system in the world, creates great economic benefits, and is one of the most reliable in the world. Sustaining growth in the aviation world is important and it will grow at times but compared to the other pillars in the NextGen plan is perhaps less important.

NextGen is going to make the NAS a lot simpler and much more efficient. Since I plan on continuing to fly in the future NextGen will drastically alter the way things will be run in the future. Procedures, policies, management and operations will be more stream-line and more efficient with the full implementation of the plan.